. >> first, commissioner todd gaziano. >> my immediate family and their spouses have 8 physicians, i am the only non physician. i am concerned about the existence of the disparity, but i will be glad to yield to h h f its particular share in addressing some aspect of that. our special jurisdiction here is somewhat limited, and that is to focus in or try to focus in on the causes for which there is implicit or explicit racial discrimination. i will try to focus a few questions, by basic question, the last 3, who tried to get at that, and as i understand this is a terrible overgeneralization. you have testified, there are genetic differences depending on the disease, there are behavioral reasons, socio-economic reasons that have a big role to play before there's any interaction with the health care system. some of these are epigenetic, related with those other factors. and then the impact of the health-care system, we have heard that some of it, there is at least a concern, some research suggests it has to do with the clinical experience and bias. or the quality of care. and i wondered