. >> good afternoon, todd reese from assistant manager cfo. i want to thank you for the opportunity to look and work on this item. in particular, it gave me a chance to get out and visit with the rate service board, with the citizens advisory committee and also the revenue bond oversight committee and a number of folks, as well as go through the records and discussions that you've had as far as your ideas on how to make sure that we're well serving and best serving the rate payers and keeping things as affordable as possible. what you have before you today is a consolidation of all those notes and all those thoughts, many of which you deserve the credit for providing those to this report. and i also have a few brief slides to walk through to share with you what the citizens advisory committee that rate fairness board and our thoughts have shared, so, if i might do that. in your packet starting on page 6 item 13 is where the presentation begins. and it is in particular looking at a rate payer assurance policy. and this rate payer assurance poli