>> very quickly todd ritchie cfo and the prompt is complete and extensive if you review the materials that you already have for the public and it's also available on the website so we can have a full discussion next time and i'm available to questions at anytime. >> all right and do we have a time estimate for what that combined presentation is likely to involve in. >>> the one today before you we have summarized to about 30 minutes it's a high level discussion ways it's our mid cycle review next time will be a little bit longer because we want to up date you on the the ba. t k c a. >> okay thank you very much item number ten to approve the subject party a wearward agreement cs-245 and execute professional services agreement grid for an amount not to exceed one million 500,000 within a duration of five years. >> assistant general manager for water this is a straight forward item pending compliance for necro, compliance and i'm happy to answer if he questions about it. >> is there a motion? , seconded any public comments all those in favor signify by saying i didn't oppose? motion carr