says hi peace council met in dubai last week we four senior todo members including the former todd ritchie was finance minister. i jammed to see in the afghan government says they agreed to walk together to prepare for peace talks talabani has issued a statement saying that this team doesn't represent them they say the deal house and all the lead the team. that i don't see the cars i administration as a puppet of the united states and refusing to hold direct talks the sec east that it meets the lord. kabul. people living in serious post populous city have seen their street's collapse into battlegrounds. government troops control much of western aleppo and rebels controlled least civilians are caught in the middle living with the daily threat of bullets and bombs journalists came to go so is there and has this report for us. this is the net the motor city nc. well more than two medium people there sepia fighting has turned his station cd into rubble and debris. of the noble and just being dropped. in the blue album rebel control and that of a player that i can see issues crater in the roll