he told us jonnie williams was a regur >> todd schneider: remember, everybody talks in the kitchen. >aker: and what were people saying? >> schneider: what we thought of everything that they did, shady. why is this guy trying to get in here so much, the clothes and the gifts and the other things. you, kind of, knew what was going on. >> whitaker: what was going on? >> schneider: jonnie williams was trying to get his medicine approved and bob mcdonnell and maureen mcdonnell were getting their bills paid. >> whitaker: there is bad blood between schneider and mcdonnell. after the governor fired him in an unrelated payment dispute that ended up in court, todd schneider turned over key evidence to the f.b.i.: a $15,000 check for catering mcdonnell's daughter's wedding. it came from jonnie williams' account, starwood trust. that triggered the investigation of bob mcdonnell and the federal case under former deputy attorney general jim cole. >> cole: these were not gifts. these were payoffs. >> whitaker: people are giving money all the time. people makco >> cole: the key difference here is tha