a transfer beer and wine public premises license from 638 4th street to 855harrison street for todd zucker for bbck enterprises, d.b.a. k & l wine merchants. >> we have heard from our police department who has requested this item be filed. there was a misunderstanding concerning whether or not this type of review was needed but before we take action on that request i'd like to open it up to public comment. any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. i don't know if our alu would like to say anything beyond that. great. so if we could have a motion to file this item, motion by supervisor yee, we'll take that without objection. thank you. mr. clerk, if you can call item no. 3. >> item no. 3 is a hearing to consider the transfer of a type 48 on sale public premises license for expansion of premises located at 101 6th street the to tadd cortell dooing business as monarch. >> if we can begin by asking the applicant to come and speak. good afternoon, welcome to the neighborhood services committee. >> it's pretty much what derek mentioned.