i don't mean todrown people throughout in mbers, but the numbers are actually dropping. we had 700,000 fewer enrollees in january than we did in december. so the trend shrine not good. the trend line is not good. >> the numbers bring to min that famous politicaltatement that government is so big to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it away. governmental conceit gagave us e obnoxious individual mandate. because of the expense of such a thing, it means many that want insurance will go without it. the good news, americans are discovering how very cru is compassionate government. >> saved mike ozanian for last. you have a point to make about the number of enrollees. go ead. >> i don't really care. in cuba, david, everybody signed up for health care, but that's one of the worst health systems in the world. theottom line for obamacare, david, is th it's financed through higher tags taxes and government ationing, pushing a lot of people in medicd, for example. if you go to see a cancer specialist your initial visit for an hour and 15 minutes that doctor ge