thekshootingf a uestionstabout gttached l> theostigma attached6is a buge we areecautiously6 working toeimprovelour inrthe of life for our citizensc1this kind-ofn takesus a stepabackwardsfri despite&allpthe homicide's rime3rate is still a> was thecdoingrior to the shootingcwas3their party going on? n> theresareenoadetailsand fothing specific was on in the areanpages happen tonbeloutside of the apartmentacomplex han our, ourusideiright we're not lower at thisgtimee ae are -own in othereareasiieam >ptimistic weowillucontinue to fighttcrimeiand do the pestlfor citizens of community members+involved u donnhootingo the of 30 minutes >ethis is ancinvestigation that isoheoingwith north richmond too early to tell3at this mes. e anyenames ootification ofnrelatives3 o> in that as out of life on the scene hith williattend from the richmondrpolice department they dolnot have that many .etailswonta shooting two people werekilled reakill take a quick porry laid off3not longpago are they'recgoing to&get a refreshercourse3because the fire staheirs will+be new jobs. n>tthings have come full ircletat the fire department tr