. >> in a northern okinawan village, the toguchis pack up every saturday night, and drive five minutes to protest. [yelling in japanese]. they've come here every week for 11 years, lighting candles and calling on people in passing cars to support their cause. >> we already have a lot of bases in okinawa. we don't want any more. >> naze kichi wo hantei desuka? i asked him why not. >> they could take us into another war. with more bases, other countries will be more likely to target us. and american troops in okinawa have committed crimes and sexual assaults. if we build another base here, we could have the same problems. >> they're protesting against the construction of a new u.s. military base, called henoko, next to camp schwab. it's set to replace an aging airfield, farther south. >> so the toguchi family lives in the village right over here and you can see across the bay, the place where the new base is supposed to be built. there are plans for multiple runways, helipads, an ammunition and fuel depot and also a pier for docking large ships. >> opposition to the new base is growing l