the original version, the houses shake from the bombs, how many epidemics there are such as dip here toia, scarlet fever, et cetera, what the people eat, how they line up for vegetables and other things it's almost indescribable. the doctors here under incredible pressure. if they turn their backs on their cars for a moment, they're stolen from the streets. in the hospitals there is no room for the many infectious cases, medicines prescribed over the telephone. above all, the countless burglaries and thefts are beyond belief. you may wonder whether the dutch have suddenly turned into a nation of thieves. little children of 8 and 11 years break the windows of people's homes and steal whatever they can lay their hands on. you can't leave your home unoccupied for in the five minutes you're away, your things are gone, too. it's good. there's no doubt, it's really good. but let me point out, there are things that writers are told not to do. for example, words like incredible, indescribable, beyond belief, you know, they're good, but here's the second version. how the houses trembled like wisps