. >> the plant's operator, tokyo electric power c company says i could run out of space to store ethastewateter within theext twoo years. >>> turning thehe t the united states whehere psisiderent dona trump and his democratic rival joe biden have held dueling town halls. the televised events came about after a presidential debate scheduled for the same day was canceled over trump's covid-19 diagnosis. trump fielded many questions over his handling of the pandemic. asked when he had last tested negative before his positive diagnosis earlier this month, trtrump d deflected saying he possibly took a test the day of the first presidential debate. he announced he had the virus just two days later. trump defended his administration's response. the u.s. has the highest number of cases in the world at nearly 8 million. >> -- mortality we're a winner, on the excess mortality. what we have done has been amamazing. we have done an amazing job, and it's roundnding the corner and have the vaccines coming and we have the therarapies comingng. we did the right thing. we were expected to lose 2,200,