at the same time, violence towards black men and women and also toured white unionist -- tollward white unionist continues. these actions convinced many moderate republicans to shift to embrace more radical measures. as one republican complained, they would not cooperate in rebuilding what they destroyed so we must remove the rubbish and rebuild from the bottom. we must compel obedience to the union and the demand detection for its humblest citizens. congressman proceeded to impose further conditions on the former confederacy in the form of the reconstruction act of 1867 and 1868. these acts placed the former confederate states, with the exception of tennessee had passed the 14th amendment under military occupation. it created five military districts overseeing by generals in the army. it also provided for, and then also, with the military reconstruction act did was to divide the former confederacy into these military districts under the command of the army. it also declared all that the governments created under presidential be construction johnson, the ones that passed the black code,