tolo tv may be the largest but it is one of many. so that's a very notable piece of the media landscape. the third thing is that as an embassy official, i went around the country and often visited little tiny fm stations in villages and small towns around afghanistan. and there are a lot of them. and you go in, perhaps it's a one room fm station somewhere in a small town that doesn't have too much going for it coming to find young people at the microphone finding some way to get a little music on with some kind of a basic tape recorder, and in many cases these stations were started by locals with help from ngos, prominently, i into news which is represented by some senior people, and thank you for coming. and many of these stations while the run local content, maybe have a local talk show, runs the music, also run the flagship show of that whole network of community radio stations. so didn't another green shoot, edit strong one, an important one, diverse, varied source of strength for afghanistan going forward. so we get an this pane