document, foot statute of the great tolskakh adopted only 29 veroni. 1.529 from the locals - this is the height of knowledge, poshmaklik their list is very late hours and strewn to the roof, and they report it was reportedly established that it was written and it was in the old belarusian language, kept on the language, including latin and polish-lightning, variants, shifted, although there were trials call them originals with terrible skills and give pilots they admit that one of the distributors of the statute could be pershat with his hands, francis is stern and the statute did not fight her here. although you see. such plans. so the samomas were aminovita and questioned the text. this is shown by analogies from his mahshim, looking to the right - this is a coincidence, to the right by the fact that he was upright, and in addition to the meat laws of letters and pink proviveels, they included the norms of the roman and for delicate frames, and their skryna is a graduate of two european universities reportedly. what was so obnoxious? do the ghetton paper, the most criminal specialt