and for naturipe farmer tom amrhein, growing the little berries requires a lot of big work throughout the year. >> and so, there's that whole process of handpicking them. but then there's also the process of pruning and taking care of each individual plant that goes on. so, it's tremendously labor intensive. >> but at tom's watsonville farm, blackberries actually reign supreme these days. he says when choosing them, look for deep, evenly colored berries with a nice sheen. they should be plump and dry and shouldn't have many dents or bruises. >> blackberries are made up of something called drooplets, which these individual little--i guess you would cal them cells. and there's a seed in each one of those. and that's kind of characteristic of a blackberry. >> in addition to farming, tom believes in connecting foodies with farmers like himself by giving tours to folks interested in what it takes to get produce from the farm to their forks. on this tour, tom shows food industry professionals from all over the cntry as well as chefs and students from the culinary institute of america what a