we here have tom barrick. tax is a low hanging fruit for everyone.ouraged by a usable tax bill as i am for everything. everything wins. everybody wins. health care is much more complicated. i'm optimistic about the workable tax bill. it will be as great as people hope, what be as bad as the naysayers think, but mnuchin and gary cohn, together with the budgetary confinement and a congress who have to get there, this congress has got to do something. i think on a business sense, boldness.hope, when you look at transparency in the world, wise our? stockmarket doing what it's doing. what we have to do right now is investing google, amazon, that is the market cap of the entire world. , capital,cy, optimism at the time with the rest of the world is in southern wealth, central warfare. the only thing that is getting better is that central banks have now become the governor's dish you are -- 10 years ago, nobody cared. nobody cared who was the central banker in all of these countries. it was a boring job. right? now to dictate the pace. when you look and say