tom bartel, the chief is staff is with us today to provide background on business tax reform issues and highlight some of the topics reviewed in the working group's report. we really appreciate you being with us. we have a great list of witnesses here today as well that will provide important when set insights and recommendations on broad design issues of the business tax system and practical, on the ground issues that are perverse to keep in mind to develop and refine proposals in the tax state. i wanted take a minute to discuss one particular business tax issue that was discussed in the working group report that i believe warren's believe warrants real consideration by everyone here today. very general terms, corporate integration means eliminating double taxation of certain business earnings. under current law, the corporation's earnings are taxed once at the corporate level, with at the entity level and then again at the share holder level when those earnings are distributed to the share holders dividends. in other words, words, under our system of the business is organized the corp