before we run that, though, tom bevin was -- who was he? >> he was a business man; a global business man. he actually -- a very wealthy investor. also had a family bell manufacturing business in connecticut. and bevin, you know, has never run for office before and was kind of feeling out exactly whether or not to run in this race. and the mcconnell people were looking for any possible names of primary opponents for months and months. they were going to tea party meetings. they were listening up for potential foes. they were befriending a lot of their potential foes, and they convinced some to get out of the race before they ran. then matt bevin's name started to come up, and they started to hear a bit -- "who is this guy? let's look into him, let's research him." so they did an extensive opposition research months before he got into the campaign, and months before he got into the campaign, he was already getting hit with negative press accounts about his business background. and even before he got into this campaign, they had already prepar