we know that the nsc, since tom bossert left, has not really built up its cyber capability as well. how concerning is this? >> i think it's very troubling, andrea. first of all, i think chris krebs carried out his responsibilities quite capably. also i think he showed great leadership in terms of trying to debunk and refute all the specious allegations out there about fraudulent activity during this election, at least from the computer and technical side. but this is also very disruptive of the u.s. government's cybersecurity activities, because our cybersecurity vigilance should not end with the election. there's an ongoing battle that the u.s. government faces in terms of trying to stop and deter and to undermine those attempts to undermine our cybersecurity. and so chris krebs and his organization was working very well with the nsa and other elements of the intelligence community to try to keep our technical infrastructure safe from these types of foreign intrusions that could do great damage to us, not just politically but also economically. >> and let's talk about the troop wit