leadership both on the commission, we had leadership from tom cain, a republican, and lee hamilton, a democrat, where there was no democrat or republican pride if authorship -- in authorship. they appeared together every time they did any kind of press so that they would be on message together, and that was a message to the five democrats and five republicans that politics should be put aside and facts and recommendations and success should be our ultimate mission and goal. another area of huge cooperation for getting to your end mission is the cooperation of the agencies involved. the 9/11 commission ultimately we had pretty good cooperation across the agencies to get access to documents and to get their support for briefings and follow up, and that helped us within timelines to succeed at the end of the day. and finally, we had a talented staff, expert in a host of different areas that helped us on the 9/11 commission. john gannon, we've haired -- hired as our executive director who has 30 years of experience in the intel community. we're in the prosecution of trying to hire -- proc