it is work influenced by his experience here, with whale guide, tom conlin. >> have you ever in yourence had something bad happen, a whale get aggressive? >> well, we have had whales get aggressive. i personally have never had anybody hurt with the whales out here. we are real good at when to put you in and when not to put you in. when to do it has to do with the temperament of the whale. yeah. >> after the break, what is it like to get in the water with not one, not two, but a whole family of humpback whales? ♪ >> the real adventure begins here. we are on tom conlin's motorboat heading out into the deep blue looking for whales. >> you have taken scared people in here before, right? >> we were down there, and we saw the most magnificent viewing of whales ever. i felt this girl grab and squeeze my hand. we squeezed each other's hand, and i realized it was a guy and not this beautiful girl that i thought it was. [laughter] guy or girl, it doesn't matter. >> there was a moment. after an hour we finally find a whale pod calm enough to let us dive with them. >> coming up at 2:00, there's