there have been some promising signs and conversations according to tom donilon, according to secretary kerry. i'll be with him on this trip next weekend. we'll be on sunday morning in china. and the whole hope is that he is finally and the new leadership, but this is a critical time, is trying to prepare to exert maximum pressure, because as bill richardson and senator graham and michele flournoy have said, no one knows really what is motivating him, except trying to serious his leadership. who is the puppeteer? the military more than likely. is he going to do something irrational or will there be a miscalculation? i've been there a couple of times, to pyongyang with bill richardson, and the proximity, 800,000 forward deployed north korean troops, and the south koreans and the americans, senator graham is absolutely right. we would obliterate north korea. you have 35 million people living within miles. >> how dangerous -- you once said that north korea was as dangerous as iraq the last decade. do you still think they're that dangerous? >> crazy people and nuclear weapons, those who pro