folks that will give you information on what's going on with america's cup and what's ahead, we have tom eman he's from the golden gate yacht club, and adam sander water, he's also from the office of economic and workforce development and with that, i will hand it over to adam or tom first. >> good afternoon, commissioner, how about if we tag team this tokt, if adam and i did this tokt. i want to thank commissioner moore for the invitation, i was giving one of my cup date presentations and commissioner moore said, here, you like my business card, and i said, maybe i wouldn't take your business card, she said, i think you would want to see my business card and she said, i'm a member of the planning commission and invited me to come and speak, so thank you, and he's prepared a slide show that would normally take me 100 slides to do and he's done it i think in ten so with your permission, we'll give you an update on what's going on in the 34th edition of the oldest trophy, i'm head of external affairs and pleased to be here today on part of our ceo stephen bark lee, we have just completed as som