still exist so you take away the n word about leave all your policies >> next speaker please >> tom gillbirty. the president was in town and wonder if the money he raised will go and spend to the democratic congress people to vote for tpp. first and get that one through. [inaudible] came from san francisco. do corporate buses increase access? i don't think so. people in south carolina have a flag a tradition, they are having a value system that needs to be changed. we can see it. we over here in san francisco probably have a harder time seeing our valia system, what we need to claisk and what we need to move ahead. housing that 88 percent of us can't afford. long term renting security, none. legal evictions, okay. renters kicked out, speculators moved in. and [inaudible] dollars you can play. i can expand but let's go back too housing and i recommended for every 5 years you livered lived in a place you got 3 percent of the cost of your building when it was sold. twen units building, 5 stories, 4 equal properties on each floor, everyone live there 10 years 6 percent, [inaudible] it is 12 milli