and tom goldstein of scotus blog had a point that we have an impression it is conservative, liberal, 5-4. but only 20% of the cases are a 5-4 and most are not breaking down on political lines. so it makes it more important to know what they are thinking. but we have so neutered the process not only on ideaological issues but every issue, you can't know what they are thinking on nonideology issues and pragmatic issues. i thought she did a great job but it is a shame it has dissolved to this. >> woodruff: the conventional wisdom is that yes, of course she will be confirmed but maybe with fewer votes than sonia sotheby's -- sotomayor. >> i think that is true. she had the advantage of being the first latina, first hispanic supreme court justice. the support of mel martinez, cuban american in florida, he has left the senate since, defeat bid george lemieux, he has political ambitions of his own. wants to establish conservative credential. beyond that i don't think she got the support, i think, that justice to be kagan can expect with the renegade s in the fine-- state, susan collins and o