tom harshman and reverend. julie hanada. we were talking earlier about the patient access is spiritual care during the hospital stay what it's for something joys which help her or something more challenging. but healthcare system is its own system. people work there with nurses and radiation technology et cetera. what about spiritual care the system itself? the staff? >> we think about our staff as our permanent congregation. and our patients and their families as the transient congregation. we take care of the spiritual needs and assets of the staff as well. julie and i were talking about how we are preparing for nurses week next month. at both of our facilities, that involves the blessing of hands of nurses and other hospital workers who are interested in that. >> and how do you find the expressed need from staff coming to you? does it happen in the course of a particular situation with the patient? does happen within a particular unit that might be more stressful than other units? >> there's a variety of ways. sometimes t