my name is tom harte here on [speaker not understood] properties. we're the owner of 45 fremont street that my colleague bob her just alluded to. we just learned of this this afternoon about 2 o'clock through a real estate blog that someone had forwarded on and said, hey, have you seen this? and, so, similar in the process it's broken down. we did not receive notice. a company like ours , we receive 20-day notices and everything else all the time. and believe me, there is an iron-tight system to make sure that those don't go unread or unacted upon. and i believe that we had this same process -- same problem in '11 and, you know, at that time we worked with the then developer and accommodated going forward with the project at that time. and now there is significant increase -- there's a lot of material, impressions about exactions, are they paying the new exactions, the old exactions, combination thereof, the shadow impacts plaza, on the bechtel park, possibly others. it is a very significant increase and i just think that, you know, san francisco ha