and it was just a real pleasure to do the-- you know, tom hayden came to the set and gave a speech, and it was just great. i have to ask you: last night, you did a truncated version of your stand-up, 30 minutes. and you made a point, near the end of that, of saying, "you know, i'm concerned about what people think of me after 30." right. "after an hour, they tend to like me." this show is 30. what would people see in the next half hour? i don't know. i'm sure that there's people who would see this and find me to be off-putting and aggressive and spinning as much as i accuse other people of spinning. and clearly, i've got my prejudices and my biases. you know, that's the thing that bill o'reilly will never understand. you got your own biases that are built-in spin. and i wish to god he would have me on my show so i could say, "bill, you're doing it right now. you're spinning right now." [laughs] but i think that a lot of people just find me to be off-putting and aggressive. and then because we are a culture that-- we demand our women to be, um, attractive in a very mainstream way, that i