and that's chief justice tom hines. so he welcomes you every time you file something in the supreme court what is now the supreme court of kentucky. but these three guys set about to find morgan. and they come into lexington. again, they search around lexington, they try to get to union occupation people if they know where morgan is, and then they set about wandering around the countryside here, looking for him until they finally reach georgetown, kentucky on the 15th of july, 1862, and there is morgan's command. they have just outside of town. and all three of them joined back up. hines joins back up literally and porter and kikendahl join morgan's command. within two days, they have weapons and mounts and they are in the battle of cynthiana, kentucky. no trains, they just joined and begin to fight. this beginning john porter's career with john hunt morgan. it goes all the way through until june 1863 when he is captured with -- in a company with tom hines, tom hines isn't captured, but john porter is. and union patrol