i have gotten to work with pele like tom hunter a lot over the last 51 days. they are the best scientists that america has. and it is the president's direction that you have people like the secretary and tom and marsha and a wle host of others oversea. >> he is one of the group of the best thinkers brought together to try to figure out what do we do here. if i have just another moment ane just say that you look like you could use 10, 15 hours of sleep. i know the hours that you are likely working and we thank you for that. let me ask, a hurrica enters the gul of mexico, wells, rigs and production platform platforms is is there a written plan for this circumstance? >> the answer to that is yes. >>hen they happen in the past, there is down ocrs within the g mexico. the answer, also, with respect to this particular leak is that it is is one of the issues which secretary and i have insisted there be the capacit it is part of the program. >> let me say that i don't mean that the three of you look awful. when i said that you need sleep. this has been a long period.