now, here's tom jourden. - today's technology makes identity theft easier and easier. if you use a smart phone, shop online, use public wi-fi or fill out forms or applications, you're at risk. even your personal information stored by insurers, employers, schools, and others is vulnerable to identity thieves. your information is out there and buying and selling it is big business for criminals who can steal your identity from almost anywhere in the world. - in today's digital world, you are more likely to actually have your identity stolen than your car stolen or your home burglarized. - if your personal information's out there it could be used again, and again, and again. it's not out there to only one person, it could be spread out to numerous identity thieves all over the world. - how much do you really know about identity theft? do you think it's just crooks making charges on your credit card? think again. credit card fraud is only a part of identity theft. it's just the tip of the iceberg. thieves can commit much more serious crimes. they can take out loans in your