we have cnn senior legal analyst jeff toobin here sitting with me in new york and in atlanta, tom juneau, esquire writer at large. tom, let me begin with you. you and i have talked multiple times about drones, ad nauseam about your piece in "esquire" last july, you write about anwar al awlaki, his son who you call collateral damage. in learning of this sort of secret memo coming about, was there anything in it that surprised you? >> yeah, a few things. number one, you know, this is the -- we're familiar with the sound of the administration speaking to us about these -- about this program. they have justified it in various different venues. but this is the sound of the administration speaking to itself. and when the administration speaks to itself, it gives itself even more power than i think than anybody thought. it sort of -- it is a hypothetical situation it describes. it keeps on describing an informed high level executive who can make these decisions. and it is amazing how much power this white paper gives that informed high level executive. it even really gives him power to decide w