that's where billionaire tom kaplan, the co-founder of panthera, the outfit trying to save jaguars, comesng up ranches and telling the ranchers-- his employees now-- to lay off the jaguars. to make sure they understand that there's been a change of ownership, he's introduced a new branding iron-- the paw print of a jaguar. he's also winning them over the old fashioned way-- improving their lives, building schools and clinics. >> tom kaplan: there is no better way to stop poaching than to make the local community say, "hey, wait a minute, our children have medicine and education because of the jaguar." when you show that, you've won their hearts and you've won their minds, and then you've won the war. >> simon: alan rabinowitz wants the jaguars to be able to roam freely again, so he's working with governments, as well as ranchers, to protect what he calls jaguar corridors. they connect the different isolated areas where the cats are still thriving. he gets to these areas sometimes, and sometimes he gets too close. now, how far away are you from him? >> rabinowitz: i would say about 20 feet