some of these members who are retiring, specifically tom latham of iowa, are very close allies of theand there's been some rumors that speaker boehner is going to give up his speakership at the end of this term. the latham retirement in particular sort of piqued discussion and gossip that in fact he might step down after 2014. so that's another thing to look out for. >> nia, which we've already talked about here, boehner's kind of public demonstration of frustration and difficulty, it's kind of unique and certainly rare anyway in the history of speakerships to see a speaker out there complaining about what's going on within his own party, including with some of his own members in the house of representatives. he kind of in that moment, in that press conference, personified the frustration that we're seeing expressed by some of these retirements. >> that's right. and you remember originally, he was swept into office by a tea party wave, and his philosophy back then in 2010 was dance with the one that brung you. and that was the tea party. it very much changed in the wake of the governm