the agents liked tim mccarthy, you know? they liked tom and all these people. for them, this was a real moment. jim brady is dead. dick allen says, well, we should have a moment of silence, prayer, and reflectionment the room is dead quiet. the silence lasts for seven seconds. then they are back to work. there's too much to do. jim got seven seconds, but turns out he didn't die. in fact, there's a great moment. i have to be careful because there's profanity, but there's a surgeon working on jim brady, and he saves his life, and he may have been the most technically, on this day, he had the most -- the biggest technical challenges. the bullet was here, exploded. shrapnel was on both sides of the brain, swelling like crazy, had a 50/50 chance of surviving. they listen to the radios and there's news reports, and they report jim brady is dead. it made it to the halls of congress where someone released it and everybody thought he died. they hear it, and he says what do you think we're operating on, a corpse? [laughter] as an author, there's moments, whether you get