joining us is tom mcclellan.ough this recent market we've had a bit of a pullback. >> then i expected the market to rally with its hair on fire. we got the mid-june dip last week, and monday was a great start. there's still more yet to come. >> so that friday pullback you think was the bottom for the short term for a two-year outlook what are we talking? >> i would call it a tradeable bottom it fits with the seasonality of the all year and first year of the presidential term i said they were have it with a presidential cycle pattern versus the s&p 500, and that pattern said we should expect a bottoming period june 17th through the 23rd friday watt at 18, so right on schedule, and got a lot of people feeling fearful bitcoin will crash to zero, we're all going to die the fed will screw up nine different ways >> i love how precise you are with your dates, tom you talked about fear. i know you are watching the vix, the fear gauge to show just how much fear there was and what that means going forward >> the vix was a