efforts in support of vision zero. >> good afternoon, tom mcguire, sustainable streets director, and i'm here to ask you to recognize one of our colleagues in the department of public health, devon morris. since we adopted vision zero at 2015, this board has always urged us to make sure that all of our efforts are data-driven, and devon has been at the core of using new and incredible ways that have proven to be a model for every city that has adopted vision zero. he is focused on improving the quality of traffic collision data. he has built good working relations with different departments, the san francisco police department and the california highway patrol, and published a traffic collision data base called trans base. to make it easier for the public and our staff to get information about crashes and to map that data. he has done the diligence and hard work, finding duplications, and working through the mess that collision and crash report data can often be. extensive use of geographic systems, and he developed the a analytical tools to create what you hear about, every time we