yoko ono to russell simmons, kanye west, susan sarandon, michael moore, and even somebody like tom morrellst the machine. artists, television stars, and movie stars as well. >> well-known, left-leaning celebrities joining the protests out there. what strikes me about this, all the folks you just mentioned obviously are wealthy people, millionaires. they seem to represent the 1% that the protesters are out there clamoring against. how are the celebrities fitting into the message? there's a shift in the cultural landscape. hollywood's always been very adept at adjusting their sails when winds of change are blowing. they realize america's tired, america's fed up. it's not hippies, punks and kids in dread locks protesting. it's housewives, it's jou construction workers. i think they really want to be a part of what's going on because this is a real pass movement. we're entering its second month now, it's spreading globally. they want to be a part of it. >> we are talking about people who are incredibly wealthy. do you think these artists and celebrities risk anything by showing support for the