. - i'm tom morris jr., and over the next half hour, we'll shine a light on the dark corners of identity theft and show you how to protect yourself against these threats with lifelock. - i thought we did enough to keep a nightmare like this from happening. - you feel violated. i did all the right things. - [tom] mercedes and jim have always taken their privacy seriously, so much so that, when they sold their house, they went out of their way to shred over 150 pounds of their old paperwork. - i felt so secure that i'd done everything that i needed to do to protect ourselves, but it wasn't enough. - [tom] while jim was living in another state for work, he started to see signs they'd been compromised. - my husband called me up and he said, "you know, something strange is happening. i'm getting letters in the mail for an auto loan that i didn't apply for." and he said, "can you watch your mail?" - and just as i finished that sentence, she said, "well, i have a letter here from a bank." - and it was like, "congratulations, you've been approved for an auto loan in the amount of, you know, $75,