travel, tom owen from the city attorney's office, and special thanks to two advisetionv, first dave cornell who was a former aid to the former president of the san francisco board of supervisors matt gonzales that first brought this issue to my attention. and i want to thank my aid catherine who spent several years working on this issue and many, many hours in the last year working with many of you on this. let me also mention we had included substitute legislation or legislation recently. we had addressed a lost of the concerns that have been raised over the past nine months, but there are two additional issues that we wanted to raise. one was raised by food truck operators as well as the small business commission and the department of public health about the ability of food trucks to comply quickly. we made an amendment to the ordinance to give them two additional years to come into compliance with this and that is already included in the legislation before our committee. and then the second set of amendments that we have made recently have to do with large nonprofit festivals such as pri