two years ago, tom ricketts led his family's acquisition of the cubs and its related assets such as this for $900 million. ricketts is the ceo of investment bank and capital as well as the cubs chairman. he joins me now to talk the business of baseball. good to see you, tom. >> good to see you, maria. >> thank you so much for joining us and thanks for having us. i'm excited to throw the first pitch. i hope it stops raining. >> welcome to wrigley field. i wish it was a little less rainy, but we'll get through it. >> hopefully it will stop. but let's talk business before we get into it. last week "the l.a. time" reported that the major league baseball staffers informed the tigers, marlins, phillies, rangers as well as the cubs that you're in violation of baseball's debt service rules. the commissioner doesn't dispute the story. what about the debt structure of the cubs? >> yeah, i mean the commissioner came out and the league is completely comfortable with our debt structure. the cubs are an investment grade credit. i think that the important thing that people have to know is that nothing