of atticus finch who exhibits moral force in his stand against the lynch mob that has, to get tom robinson from the jail so it's remarkable, this odd fact that in king's writings, there is both this condemnation of the white moderates and also this week in the strength of moral force and that's what harper lee believed in. that's what she was trying to conjure and in creating this character. i want to close with a passage that ends that chapter. king has a quote where he talks about despite the violence that occurred in birmingham, or greater violence that has been threatened on one side, one side would not resort to it and the other side so often immobilized my confusion, uncertainty and disunity. and it's the disunited white south. that's the side of harper lee and her people were on. >> it was today that she had written a novel that would eventually be read and celebrated around the world as a timeless expression of universal values, moral courage, tolerance and understanding but she began project confused and uncertain in writing and all she wanted to recognize reconcile her abiding lo