tom roggan is a columnist for the daily review and telegraph. sounds like josh earnest is thumbing his nose at the supreme court. >> it is interesting the way he assesses the interpretation of the law that congress passed. it was changed many, many times. it is not the executive branch's place to interpret once a court ruling has come in. it is the court's job and role to be a co-equal branch to interpret the laws. it might have been the truth that democrats assumed that all of the states would run their own exchanges and everything would work out grachlt but once that didn't happen, it was not the role of the government to make a new interpretation and pass out subsidies in the states that did not set up their own exchanges. it makes it difficult to see how it stayed down and emboldened more challenges in court about the law. >> tom, this is an election year, and the obama care has taken two consecutive hits. first the hobby lobby decision and now this. what does it say to the american people as they head to the november elections? >> i think t