you tom sim ali is a legal advisor at the raul wellenberg center for human rights and kampala. uganda, he told us earlier would affect this declaration of genocide by the use. us will have ensued on and thank you for the opportunity and i think uh, this determination is long overdue. it was already in edwards when it went before we made the nation based on clear and convincing evidence that there was a support for us this. and it's a light malicious, i've engaged in um, you know, i've taught us at a crime specifically in genocide. we also identified for an ices fueling uh, the trust citizens for that. and so unfortunately, more often than not, the genocide determination will care when just in a slide is already complete. but i think um, this will, it comes with uh, you know, to measure it to you. it is a duty to prevent further genocide, but also duty to punish this is based on their the genocide convention. and i think this is really what we, what is needed. now. i think the 2nd part is it is a recognition to victims of grievances that people have done before and be able to so then h