[laughter] you know tom story who's really -- stier who's really taken a lead on climb change.i think while we should absolutely be putting pressure on politicians, we also should not assume that all business people are the same and they will all have the same quarterly short-term interests. we need to focus on who are saying interesting things, not just saying them, but doing them, and then talk about how we can set policies that replicate good behavior. >> well, i'd like to stick with the politics for a second in the following way. it's very interesting to me and, in fact, somewhat uplifting and corroborating to hear all the different voices from all the different political corners talking about this problem. you've got jeb bush, if you go to his, the announcement of his pac or campaign, whatever, talking about mobility, the challenge of mobility. and you've got paul ryan for the new york minute there where mitt romney got into the race, he was no longer saying inequality should just be talked about in quiet rooms which is what he said in 2012, now he's saying inequality is a