one letter was tom stoppard, a british playwright. and another letter was to president václav havel. from tom stoppard we got a reply in five minutes saying, "you got my support to establish theater." and he said like, "what else i could do for you?" we write to him, "can you come to belarus?" and he is like, in 15 minutes, "yeah. let me finish my play and i will come." and then we're like, "hmm." it was august of 2005 when tom stoppard arrived to belarus. and at that moment we introduced him to wives of our friends whose husbands had been kidnapped and killed. and when he was on the way to the airport i spoke to him and i said, "tom, what is the issue with dictatorship? why dictator is killing people?" and he said, "you need to understand that dictatorship is not political thing. it's a moral thing." and that was a moment when suddenly it became clear that we as artists have that unique combination of morality and creativity that put dictators into panic mode. and that was that particular moment when we thought we must push that butt