and took him to the farm where kratz shot him in the head also on july 7 dinardo meets up with tom tomasicnd mark sturgis to make a drug deal and his car was left on the property on aquetong road and head to the farm where kratz is waiting and dinardo shoots him in the back and falls to the ground screaming and mark sturgis is shot and he runs him over with a backhoe and placed in a metal tank called a pig roaster on caught on fire and came back to bury it under ground using the backhoe and the motive for this. >> we won't know the answer. >> reporter: and they may never have found jimi tar patrick remains if they had not made the plea dial with dinardo. >> we found them where we were told we were to find him. >> reporter: the family showed tremendous strength as they worked to bring their loved ones hope. >> hope i'm never in their shoes but if i ever were i pray that i could handle this with the courage and the dignity that they exhibited. >> reporter: now weintraub says dinardo and kratz confessions also led them to the two weapons that were being used in the killings and in exchange fo