. >> so tom waddell will answer as well. >> i'm corin buchanan department of public health. tom waddell will stay open as an emergency site, but the main operation will move to this site. >> thank you. let's move to the budget report pled guilty rose. >> mr. chair and members of committee, on page 8 of our report, we have a table 1 and that table shows that the kelly cullen community will receive subsidies for 172 units at an average estimated subsidy of $601 per units, per month, that is for the 172 units and over the 15-year term of the agreement as you can see in table 5, the total estimated costs are $18,475,118 and they are general fund costs as miss campbell has stated. we recommend that you approve this resolution as consistent with previous board policy on other similar agreements. we also recommend that you request that the department of puck health report to the budget and finance county full board of supervisors on the findings from the new york university study on housing and health outcomes. and i really just want to reiterate or add a couple of points. this dem