tom foreman. you'veot theeforetom and e afr, and we ca see th devastation so dtiy. >> ah. take a look at th, wolfood t see theefore and ve a point of referen. this is downtown, the big picture of joplin. i'm going to move t here and mark the ph we move in. yo ho it really cut throh ntral part ofis town in big wa let's go and look at some of the details of what this is. this is south main street down here. if you go in close, you c s this is fu of biness you kn walgreens a pizza places and gas taons, all sorts ofhing tt all of eseeighborhoods out here rely on, pointsf ference, the high sool we've heard so muchboutverhere, hospital over here. but w iant you lookt atappens when we give theide ot he. this is the pi and w fr goire t ate pictof t aft. unlile. foreai iant to bg isk so you ehe co orod.ce, t te thi the aunt dama u ne itmanylace wo, tly scraped . pele were talkg about t tting inion. ths why. endous damagheren th satellite imag alone, wolf, which doest go outo all the edges, this is about three miles' woh, about a mile across in some places here, you do the mathhere. they are about 1,100 ho