i have one speaker card, tomas piccorello. no? are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this item, item six? seeing none, public comment is closed. as a comment, i do want to think the tremendous effort that was put forward by the controller's office and the mayor's office with regards to helping to structure this. i think the item before us has a lot of good things. one is the fact that we are going to be able to continue to operate and run our asian art museum for the benefit of san franciscans and visitors to the city. i also think it is a good deal in that we have every party coming to the table to provide a piece of work on the issue. from the j.p. side, we see the bonds are now refinanced with a 30-year fixed rate loan at 4.6, a pretty competitive rate. we terminated a swap that was not working for the city's interest without any cost for the foundation. there was a return of $15 million related to that slot and a forgiving of $20 million of the outstanding debt. that is a good thing to see from j.p. f